General information
Software Introduction
- Portfolio Rolling 12 Month Returns
- Portfolio Rolling 24 Month Returns
- Long Positions Breakdown Chart
- Active Symbols
- Current / Projected Positions
- Open Positions
- Portfolio List
- Monthly / Annual Returns
- Portfolio Orders
- Portfolio Symbol Returns
- Portfolio Trade Log
- Portfolio Trade Profile
- Combined Symbol Stats
- Fundamental Snapshot
- Quick Search
- Research
- Symbol History
- Symbol Model Results
- Symbol Stats History
- Symbol Trade Log
- Symbol Trade Profile
- Trend / Resistance / Support
- Queries
- Reports
- Watch List Triggers
- Watch Lists
What is a View?
A view in PortfolioXpert is a window display containing specific information and is named according to the information being displayed, such as Portfolio List and Open Positions. The majority of views are either portfolio views, used to display portfolio information, or symbol views, used to display symbol information. There are also other views used to display charts, reports, queries, and watch lists. Selecting an item in one view automatically updates every other view capable of displaying the selected item.