General information
Software Introduction
- Portfolio Rolling 12 Month Returns
- Portfolio Rolling 24 Month Returns
- Long Positions Breakdown Chart
- Active Symbols
- Current / Projected Positions
- Open Positions
- Portfolio List
- Monthly / Annual Returns
- Portfolio Orders
- Portfolio Symbol Returns
- Portfolio Trade Log
- Portfolio Trade Profile
- Combined Symbol Stats
- Fundamental Snapshot
- Quick Search
- Research
- Symbol History
- Symbol Model Results
- Symbol Stats History
- Symbol Trade Log
- Symbol Trade Profile
- Trend / Resistance / Support
- Queries
- Reports
- Watch List Triggers
- Watch Lists
Right Mouse Menu
As the name suggests, this menu appears by right mouse clicking an item and provides various options specific to that item.
- Right mouse clicking a portfolio presents the following options: Clone Portfolio; Clone Portfolio as Buy Hold; Edit Portfolio; Revert Portfolio; Allocate Portfolio(s); Delete Portfolio(s); Show View; and New Xpert Chart (screenshot).
- Right mouse clicking a symbol presents the following options: Add Symbol(s) to Portfolio; Add Symbol(s) to Query; Add Symbol(s) to Watch List; Show View; and New Xpert Chart (screenshot).
- Right mouse clicking a query presents the following options: Edit Query; Delete Queries; and Run Queries Now
- (screenshot).
- Right mouse clicking a report presents the following options: Open Report With the System Viewer; Save Report to Disk; and Delete Report(s) (screenshot).
- Right mouse clicking a watch list presents the following options: Edit Watch List and Delete Watch List(s) (screenshot).