Modernizing the Financial Investment Framework
Automating the Investment Process to Enable an Adaptive Response to Market Volatility.

Opportunity is everywhere in the world of cost free trading and fractional shares the possibilities are endless.
Dynamic Direct Indexing Funds.
The software gives you the unprecedented capability of incorporating unique ideas into a structured and dynamic, risk-adjusted strategy tailored to your clients' investment objectives.
Utilize a Dynamic Market Process to Create Value.
Dynamic policies are necessary to replace the static investment mindset in order to adjust for systemic risk and eliminate emotional decisions.
A.I. Driven Investment Framework.
A.I. is far more than a buzzword. It is a different quantitative investment paradigm that seeks to create a repeatable process that is capable of intelligent behavior.

Learning to be Different
PortfolioXpert has developed unique responses for addressing environmental challenges in market dynamics. Over the past two decades, it has become more evident that the traditional investment paradigm is not efficient, especially in high volatility and irrational periods.
For over 20 years, the PortfolioXpert platform has been navigating through the rational and irrational periods demonstrating and adding a tremendous amount of value.
Static indexing strategies utilizing mutual funds and ETF’s are quickly becoming obsolete. Signaling that it will become necessary for advisers to change how they manage assets.